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O Avesso da Pele, book by Jeferson Tenório, gets adaptation for theater

O Avesso da Pele, book by Jeferson Tenório, gets adaptation for theater

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 06/22/2023

The spectacle, produced and staged by the Coletivo Ocutá, is the season at TUSP in July and is an adaptation of the book winner of the Jabuti award in 2021


The Teatro da USP (Tusp) receives, from June 30, the spectacle O avesso da pele, from the Coletivo Ocutá, an adaptation of the book by Jeferson Tenório, winner of the Jabuti Award in 2021 in the Literary Novel category. Under the direction of playwright, Beatriz Barros brings in cast Alexandre Ammano, Bruno Rocha, Marcos Oli, and Vitor Britto.   

In 2020, actors Vitor Britto, Marcos Oli, Bruno Rocha, and Alexandre Ammano contacted the book and invited the sociologist, actress, and director Beatriz Barros to direct the montage and bring a feminine look that was attentive to the current theatrical scene and the socio-anthropological issues that cross this narrative. The cast, composed of four black actors under 30 years, is recognized in the plot as representatives of the experiences described there. This brought them closer to the work and the author, Jeferson Tenório, who from the beginning gave the approval for the assembly. 


Journalist Sandra Lima talks with director Beatriz Barros in the program Cultura na USP, broadcast by Rádio USP on  06/29/2023


On stage, the four actors alternate between the characters, in a movement in which everyone will be father and son at some point. The setting is Henriques’s apartment, in which Pedro, after the murder, observes the objects present there and uses them as a starting point in the recovery of his father’s story. What is at stake is the life of a man psychologically shaken by the inevitable existential fractures of his condition as a black man in a racist country. 


O Avesso da Pele takes place in Porto Alegre, in the 1980s, and tells the story of Pedro, the son of a literature teacher murdered in a disastrous police approach. After the episode, he begins an investigation into his origins, the past of his family, and the trajectory of his father, Henrique. It thus builds a journey that elucidates not only issues of black paternity in a country marked by racism but also the paths that lead to affection and redemption. With powerful and courageous writing, in O Avesso da Pele, Jeferson Tenório marks his place in contemporary Brazilian literature, as one of the most relevant authors of today.

Technical sheet 

Realization Coletivo Ocutá | Director Beatriz Barros | Assistant director Vitor Britto | Cast Alexandre Ammano, Bruno Rocha, Marcos Oli, and Vitor Britto | Dramaturgy Beatriz Barros and Vitor Britto | Musical direction Felipe Oládélè | Body preparation and movement direction Castilho | Vocal preparation Malú Lomando | Conception and creation of the drawing of Light Gabriele Souza| Costume design Naya Violeta | Scenography Wanderlei Wagner | Light Operation Benedito Beatriz | Sound Operation Dj Akinn | Production Direction Jennifer Souza | Production Corpo Rastreado | Gabs Ambròzia | Photography Helbert Rodrigues | Filming Matheus Brant and Gabriela Miranda |Inspired by the literary work O Avesso da Pele, by Jeferson Tenório.

Who they are
Beatriz Barros is an actress, theater director, playwright, and educator, graduated in Social Sciences from USP, and graduated in chamber music from the Escola de Música do Estado de São Paulo. In 2018, she joined the 17th class of the Núcleo Experimental de Artes Cênicas of SESI. She was nominated in 2015 for the Shell Theatre Award in the Innovation category with the group she founded, Pequeno Teatro de Torneado. In 2018 he won with his current theater company – CIA.MAR – the São Paulo Award for Incentive to Children’s and Young Theater in the Revelation category. In 2022 CIA.MAR was awarded the Prêmio Zé Renato in the category Children’s Show Assembly with the spectacle A Futura Rainha

Alexandre Ammano is an actor, photographer, and presenter. He started his artistic career doing amateur theater in 2015, graduated in Performing Arts in 2019. She did several acting workshops for Cinema and TV, with Luiz Mario Vicente, Adriana Pires, Denise Weinberg, and Fernando Leal. Preparation for acting with Sébastien Brottet-Michel do Théâtre du Soleil, The Lucid Body with Thiago Félix do Studio Stella Adler NY, improvisation with Pedro Cardoso, and theatrical experience with Chico Carvalho (cia. do bife). He worked as assistant director of Elias Andreato and Paulo Emílio Lisboa. He was part of the cast of the play 2 Palitos ou (a Fantástica Insensatez da Existência) by Luccas Papp, De furdunço à Cafundó by Raphael Gama, directed by Zé Gui Bueno. In the cinema, she made appearances in feature films such as Compro Likes and Música para Morrer de Amor. He also participated in the second season of A Vida Secreta dos Casais, Vale dos Esquecidos and No Mundo da Luna on HBO, and Crimes.com on Discovery Channel. In 2022 he joined the cast of the film Os Estudantes by Vera Egito. 

Bruno Rocha graduated from the technical acting course at Teatro Escola Macunaíma (2014) and also has a bachelor’s degree in social communication – Radio, TV and Internet (2018), at Universidade Anhembi Morumbi. He has participated in plays such as S.Ó.S, collective creation based on the works of Nelson Rodrigues; and Quando não se diz nada play based on Primeira Estórias by Guimarães Rosa (2014). He participated in a spectacle, the result of a workshop taught by Rodolfo Amorim, from Grupo XIX de teatro, Invenção do Eu (2017). He worked in audiovisual works such as Treze Dias Longe Do Sol, Rede Globo series (2015); 3%, Netflix series (2016) and the feature film 7 Prisioneiros, by Netflix (2021). 

Marcos Oli holds a degree in musical theater technician from Sesi-SP. He presented the program Plantão do Tas for four years on Cartoon Network. In the audiovisual, he was in the films Antes que é Tarde / Preto no Branco / Verão Fantasma/ 13 Sentimentos. He is currently on the air in the series As Five (Globoplay), in the program Papo de segunda (GNT), and has just returned to Brazil after joining the cast of the Musical El Tina Turner in Madrid. As an influencer and screenwriter, she signed humor sketches for GQ Brasil, GQ Brasil especial de humor, YouTube channel Felipe Neto for Quadro Negro, and Saia justa (GNT) with the blogueirinha do Fim do mundo. 

Vitor Britto began his career in theater at the age of 13. His training includes the Teatro O Tablado, performing arts at the Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Unirio), and the 4th workshop of actors of the Fundação CesgranRio. On television, lived the character Jeferson in As aventuras de Poliana e Poliana moça, and in 2023 premieres the film O faixa preta on HBO MAX. 

Photo Helbert Rodrigues


O avesso da pele |  Coletivo Ocutá

Where  | Teatro da USP
Rua Maria Antônia, 294 – Vila Buarque – São Paulo, SP (near the Higienópolis and Santa Cecília metro stations)

When |  from 30 June to 23 July | Friday and Saturday at 8 pm and Sunday at 7 pm

Duration | 90 minutes

Age Rating | Free

How much | Tickets: R$ 40 (entire) + R$ 20 (half) – tickets on Sympla sympla.com.br/produtor/oavessodapele

Capacity | 96 seats

Information | (11) 3123-5222

Translated by: Lara Yoshime Shizuko Fukushima

O Avesso da Pele, livro de Jeferson Tenório, ganha adaptação para o teatro
  • 30/Jun/2023 until 23/Jul/2023
  • Free of charge
  • usp.br/tusp
    • Teatro da USP
    • Rua Maria Antônia 294
    • São Paulo - SP
    • CEP: 01222-010
    • usp.br/tusp
    • on weekends
    • Das 20:00 às 21:30
    • Sunday
    • Das 19:00 às 20:30