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Comet with 50,000-year orbit can be seen in free astronomical observation at USP’s Parque CienTec

Comet with 50,000-year orbit can be seen in free astronomical observation at USP’s Parque CienTec

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 02/03/2023

Evento acontece no período noturno, com estacionamento dentro do Parque, além de equipamentos e monitoria para os visitantes

By Tiago Cesquim
02/07/2023 9:10 am


On Friday, February 10, Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia (CienTec) da USP is promoting another edition of Astronomical Observation, an evening event held monthly. With no need to register in advance, pedestrians and vehicles will be allowed in from 5 pm to 6 pm.

This session will feature a special visitor in space, comet C/2022 E3 ZTF, which has an orbital period of 50,000 years. The star reached its perihelion (closest point to the sun) on January 12; in February, it will be at its closest point to Earth, “only” 42 million kilometers away.

Observação astronômica no Parque CienTec: desenho ilustrativo do sistema solar com linhas representando as órbitas dos planetas e do cometa C 2022 C3 Ztf Orbit

The Comet C 2022 C3 Ztf has a long orbit and was discovered recently. It will only approach Earth again in 50,000 years. Image: Forth Image UK

Much brighter during this period, the comet is expected to be visible to the naked eye. However, the event offers professional telescopes and telescopes, and monitoring for visitors to enjoy the moment in detail. On the day, the comet will pass within 1.5 degrees of Mars, allowing the stars to be observed together. In addition, the physical approach of the Moon, Jupiter, and Venus can also be observed with the naked eye during sunset, just as the sky begins to darken.

Imagem do telescópio Zeiss dentro da cúpula do observatório astronômico no Parque CienTec

The Zeiss telescope at the Parque CienTec began operating in 1921. It was one of the best and most modern astronomical study tools that São Paulo had for many years.

“Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences and has always helped humans carry out their activities. Modulated by the movements of the stars, we orient ourselves to telling the time, planting and harvesting, realizing the enormity of the cosmos and our role (and size) in this scenario,” reflects Suzana Ursi, director of Parque CienTec. “Observation provides a fun way to get closer to this essential science,” she adds.

The director says that the activity has always been one of the Parque’s most popular. “In the post-pandemic period, we were able to resume it and we realized that it continues to be a great attraction, always with sessions full of interested people. Families with children are the most frequent audience, but everyone is invited,” explains Ursi.

As well as providing professional equipment for the public to take turns with, CienTec offers guidance and explanations from monitors. You can also bring your own instruments to make the most of the venue.

The university extension activity already has a schedule for March. On March 4, also between 5 and 6 p.m., visitors will be able to observe the planetary conjunction of Jupiter and Venus.

Watch out for clouds! In the event of cloudy skies, the monitors will offer a Planetarium session and a tour of the site’s historical route, including the century-old Zeiss Lunette. The park does not have food and drink for sale, but there are spaces available for snacks and picnics.

Parque CienTec

The Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia da USP é um órgão da Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária promotes scientific dissemination in various areas, such as astronomy, meteorology, education and ecology.

The space presents a rich mix of historical and natural heritage and welcomes schools for guided tours by appointment, individual visitors, and researchers from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 4 pm.

On Saturdays, also from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., various activities are promoted, with a variable program that includes planetarium sessions, trails in the Atlantic Forest, and experiments in the areas of physics, geophysics, soils, and microbiology, among others.

All activities are free of charge.

Band – Bora Brasil – Último dia para ver o cometa verde – Parque CienTec da USP

Today is the last day to see the green comet at USP’s Parque Cientec. Check out the report in Band’s Bora Brasil news.

For more information visit: cultura.usp.br/noticia/observacao-astronomica-cientec-cometa/

Admission is free, from 5 to 6 p.m., and you can also bring your own equipment.

Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia (CienTec) da USP
Avenida Miguel Stefno, 4200 – Água Funda – São Paulo

#cometaverde #cometa #astronomia #ObservaçãoAstronômica #USP #sãopaulo

Publicado por Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária USP – PRCEU em Sexta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2023

Published by Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária USP – PRCEU on Friday, February 10, 2023

Band TV Report – Bora Brasil News – February 10, 2023.


Astronomical observation

Where | Parque de CienTec da USP
Avenida Miguel Stefno, 4200 – Água Funda – São Paulo – SP
When | February 10 and March 4, at 6 p.m. (entry from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.)
How much | Free

Translated by Lara Yoshime Shizuko Fukushima


Comet with 50,000-year orbit can be seen in free astronomical observation at USP’s Parque CienTec