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Workshop recreates Rodrigo Lèfevre’s mobile made in prison during the dictatorship

Workshop recreates Rodrigo Lèfevre’s mobile made in prison during the dictatorship

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 04/24/2023

During the exhibition “Imagem-testemunho: experiências artísticas dos presos políticos na ditadura civil-militar” (Image-testimony: artistic experiences of political prisoners during the civil-military dictatorship), the MariAntonia is promoting a series of parallel activities. Check out the program:

1st semester

Friday, April 28 at 2 p.m.
Workshop: O móbile de Rodrigo Lefevre no Presídio Tiradentes (Rodrigo Lefevre’s mobile in Tiradentes Prison)

Detained for the whole of 1971, architect Rodrigo Lefèvre built a large mobile in Tiradentes prison using the debris produced by a violent prison round-up inside the cells of political prisoners. Based on the testimony of his friend and cellmate Sérgio Ferro, the workshop aims to reconnect art and memory through a reconstruction of the piece, which will later be incorporated into the exhibition.

Coordination: Sérgio Ferro

Support: Ângela Rocha, Carlos Heck, Fúlvia Molina,  Lucas Simões, José Pedro de Oliveira Costa e Rogério Mourtada

Location – Centro MariAntonia da USP – Edifício Joaquim Nabuco – Praça Octavio Ianni
Vacancies – 20 vacancies
How much – Free activity
Register using the form – https://forms.gle/wjNE9S82ENCHjjom7

Translated by Lara Yoshime Shizuko Fukushima

Oficina recria móbile de Rodrigo Lèfevre feito na prisão na ditadura