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USP offers 3.2 thousand vacancies in free courses for public 60+

USP offers 3.2 thousand vacancies in free courses for public 60+

Comunicação - PRCEU - 07/07/2023

Between regular subjects and complementary actions, the 60+ public can participate in activities in areas such as astronomy, education, health and communication, as well as physical and cultural activities.

Text and photo Elcio Silva
7/7/2023 – 07:57 p.m.

USP opens, from July 10, registration for the second semester of 2023 of the USP 60+ program. In its 56th edition, the free initiative, held in the capital and in the interior campuses, offers 3,200 places divided between regular subjects, offered in USP undergraduate courses, and complementary activities, which include courses, lectures, excursions, sports and didactic-cultural practices. Registration continues until July 24.

The consultation of vacancies and how to register will be available from July 10 on the website cultura.usp.br/usp60. Those interested do not need to have a link with the university and must be over 60 years old.

There are 229 activities in various areas of knowledge. Doctor Egidio Dórea, coordinator of the USP 60+ program, explained in the Cultura na USP program, broadcast by Rádio USP on July 5, that the initiative has strong foundations.

Egidio Dorea Usp 60+

Doctor Egidio Lima Dorea coordinates the USP 60+ program.. Disclosure photo. Disclosure photo.

“For approximately 30 years in activity, the program was based on 3 fundamental pillars, the widest possible opening, with free access for all interested parties, the other pillar is intergenerationality and in this we are pioneers in placing different age generations inside a classroom and finally gratuity, as all courses are free”.

Check out the full interview with doctor Egidio Lima Dórea and Mrs. Neuza Guerreiro de Carvalho, who at 93 teaches a course about Memories at USP 60+. The interview was granted to the presenter Elcio Silva in the program Cultura na USP, broadcast on July 5, 2023 on Rádio USP.


Introduction to Astronomy; educational gerontology; nutrition and motor activity; tourism economics; advertising writing; hydraulics; e-commerce; quality management; and sports law are among the courses available, which are taught at USP campuses in Lorena, Piracicaba, Pirassununga, Ribeirão Preto, São Carlos and São Paulo. Some subjects require a prerequisite, but for most nothing is required.

There are also physical activities exclusively for the elderly such as stretching, yoga, ballroom dancing, as well as cultural activities with specialists from different areas, such as theater workshop, choir, street photography and guided tours to the Ipiranga Museum. For some of these complementary activities, registrations are made throughout the semester.

Created by Professor Ecléa Bosi in 1994, the program, which completed 29 years of activities, is an initiative of the Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária da USP.


USP 60+ abre inscrições para o segundo semestre de 2023

The complee list of activities is available on the website cultura.usp.br/usp60 as of July 10, 2023.

All activities are free of charge and registration is open to those interested over the age of 60.

Contact for questions and information: e-mail usp60@usp.br.

USP offers 3.2 thousand vacancies in free courses for public 60+
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