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TUSP launches the 25th edition of the “Programa Leituras Públicas”

TUSP launches the 25th edition of the “Programa Leituras Públicas”

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 05/17/2023

Between May 21 and July 3, the initial 2023 cycle of the Programa TUSP de Leituras Públicas takes place. In its 25th edition, the cycle of Readings brings texts from Dramaturgias em Processo:2, which highlights again TUSP’s last publication line, created during the pandemic as a way to encourage dramaturgical production in the face of the urgency of initiatives to promote art and culture at the time.

The readings of the 14 unpublished texts of the current cycle are always free and open to all interested public, taking place on Sundays at 3pm and Mondays at 5pm at TUSP.

The program will feature the authors participating in the 2nd volume of Dramaturgias em Processo, playwright commentators, and the reading public.

For the second volume, in production, the projects of 14 new artists, with different profiles and trajectories, were selected from a public notice, once again contemplating both previous authorial experience and the first incursions into the dramaturgical genre. The result of the first volume is available in the website format and as an e-book, accessible here, while the second volume is scheduled for launch later this year, with news regarding the future format of this action!

What is the program? 

The Programa https://sites.usp.br/dramaturgiasemprocesso/ TUSP Leituras Públicas, throughout these 25 cycles since its inception in 2009, proposes readings of plays based on thematic clippings and selected authors, performed by the participants of the meetings, with coordination of the pedagogical-artistic area of TUSP. It is a participatory audience experience that seeks to go beyond the mere experience of the occasional spectator, seeking an intergenerational audience that continuously accompanies meetings and cycles.


Week I / Commentaries de Rudinei Borges
05.21 A louça da cristaleira, de Bruno Garbuio
05.22 Chifres do juízo, de Ciano

Week II / Commentaries de Cláudia Barral
05.28 A metamorfose: peça-pesadelo patriarcal, de Fernanda Gama
05.29 Inês viva/Inês morta, de Isabela Rossi

Week III/ Commentaries de Renan Marcondes
06.04 A galinha chora mas o cliente sorri, de Gaba Cerqueda
06.05 116 gramas: Peça para emagrecer, de Leticia Rodrigues

Week IV / Commentaries de Daniel Veiga
06.11 Peça exumação, ou Como justificavam o assassinato de crianças­ negras antes da invenção da bala perdida, de James Hermínio
06.12 Cabeça de frade, de Ueliton Alves

Week V / Commentaries de Marcos Azevedo
06.18 Céu branco: Colônia matadouro, de Luan Valero
06.19 Crianças selvagens, de Leo de Sá Fernandes

Week VI / Commentaries de Deise Abreu Pacheco (Dedé)
06.25 Entardecer de Aurora F., de Luana Frez Ichikawa
06.26 Valência e o caráter dos átomos indomáveis, de Michelle Ferreira

Week VII/ Commentaries de Márcio Tito
07.02 Demolição, de Jaoa de Mello
07.03 Mãos trêmulas, de Victor Nóvoa

Who are the commentators of Cycle XXV?

Rudinei Borges was born in 1983, in a family of migrants from Itaituba (PA). He is a poet, playwright and fiction writer with more than two decades dedicated to literature and theater. With a high lyrical-narrative and social criticism voltage, his dramaturgy has been staged in Brazil, Africa and South America. He holds a master’s degree in education from USP and a degree in philosophy from the Asunción University Center. His next book of poems, Oração ao galo dos Ventos, will be released in 2023 by Mondru Editora.

Claudia Barral is a writer and psychoanalyst, born in Salvador (BA). She works as a screenwriter, poet and playwright, with montages and awards in Brazil and in countries such as Germany, Italy, Portugal, England and Peru. Graduated in Theater Interpretation from UFBA, with a stint at the Russian Academy of Arts, where she did a residency in the Stanislávski Method. Among her publications are O Cego e o Louco e outros textos (Ed. Cidade da Bahia, 1998) and Cordel do Amor sem Fim (Ed.Funarte, 2003).

Renan Marcondes is an artist and researcher. PhD from ECA/USP, his research was awarded the USP Outstanding Thesis Award 2022 and published by Annablume in 2023. He is currently conducting postdoctoral research with support from CNPq and is a guest mentor in the master’s program at DAS Choreography (Amsterdam).

Daniel Veiga is a screenwriter, playwright and actor. Trans and black man, he directed theater between 2009 and 2016, and was the 1st trans teacher at SP Escola de Teatro, in the Dramaturgy course. Screenwriter at the Sala Narrativas Negras of the Paramount Channel and the Floresta production company. He is also an advisor to the Dramaturgy Center of ELT (Santo André) and pedagogical coordinator of the Dramaturgia Pluriversal LGBTQ+ course by Escola Itaú Cultural. He is also preparing to guide Letramento Queer at Globo. Veiga went through Netflix’s CoLAB as a screenwriter and, as an actor, won the Kikito in 2020 for the short film Você Tem Olhos Tristes by Diogo Leite.

Marcos Azevedo is a playwright, director and actor, studying at EAD/ECA/USP. He acted in Macbeth with Antônio Fagundes, O Camareiro under the direction of Ulysses Cruz, and was nominated for the Bibi Ferreira.  He premiered his solo Caliban at the Edinburgh Festival with a season in London. He was part of the Cia de Ópera Seca, directed by Gerald Thomas and performed in Croatia and Portugal. Author of A Verdade Relativa da Coisa em SiPrêmio Funarte de Dramaturgia. He created GAG – Grupo de Arte Global, headquarters of Phila7, a collective in which he acts, writes and directs until today.

Deise Abreu Pacheco, or as she is known, Dedé, works on the border between performing arts, literature and philosophy. She has a degree in theater direction, a master’s degree in pedagogy of the performing arts, and a doctoral researcher (FAPESP / Capes) in performing arts, all from ECA/USP, with a doctoral internship in philosophy at the Søren Kierkegaard Research Center, University of Copenhagen, with a thesis that addresses the existential field of aesthetic experience. She is the author of the books Assistir e ser assistida: via e limites de uma estética existencial. A journey through Søren Kierkegaard’s writings” (Hucitec, 2021), the comic strip book A vida de Deise (Hucitec, 2022), in partnership with the translator, poet and professor in French literature Ana Cláudia Romano Ribeiro, and the novel Começando Albertina (nossa vida no armário nos anos 90), to be published by Editacuja in 2023. She was a lecturer in the Post-Graduation in Creative Writing at FAAP (2018-19) and is part of the faculty of A Capivara Cultural: space for literary experiences.

Marcio Tito is a playwright, theater director, critic and editor of the website Deus Ateu. As a theatrical author, he was awarded by the Concurso Nacional de Indaiatuba and in the national competition of the Instituto da Memória (SP). In 2019 he was nominated as best monologue author at the Festival Fescette de Santos. He graduated in dramaturgy from SP Escola de Teatro. As an actor, he has premiered more than ten productions, including the award-winning Roberto Zucco“, directed by Rodolfo Garcia Vázquez, in 2013, with Os Satyros. He has written critiques and reviews for the magazine Antro Positivo; and has covered national and international exhibitions and festivals, such as MIT-SP, the Festival Contemporâneo De Dança, Cena Brasil Internacional, the Festival Internacional de Teatro  (FIT) of S. José do Rio Preto, and the Encontro das Artes, in Bahia.

Who are the authors of the texts selected for Dramaturgias em Processo v.2

Ueliton dos Santos Alves is a librarian who sorts and organizes pots and pans, a bit of a chef, flips through books by the stove while preparing with words a colorful menu to enliven the yellow hunger, always hoping to refine the recipe to such an extent that he can deserve to carry the honor of being called a writer and playwright. He currently works at Sesc Consolação in the programming team with the CPT team, does a master’s degree at PPGCI-IBICT / UFRJ, and is also a member of PMLLLB.

Victor Nóvoa began his career in amateur theater in Santos in 1994. Playwright of the collective A Digna with 5 published books. Graduated in performing arts at ECA/USP and master’s degree from IA/UNESP. Author with more than 20 theatrical texts mounted by directors and directors of national relevance. He was the coordinator of scenic arts for 10 years at the Universidade Nove de Julho and develops training courses in dramaturgy throughout Brazil.

Luana Frez Ichikawa

Michelle Ferreira is an actress, director, screenwriter and playwright with an international career, having staged thirteen plays by names such as Hugo Possolo, José Roberto Jardim, Nelson Baskerville, Eric Lenate, Maria Maya, Mario Bortolotto and Isabel Teixeira. Escola de Arte Dramática of USP, she studied Social Sciences at the same university and was part of the Núcleo de Dramaturgia do Centro de Pesquisa Teatral, under the coordination of Antunes Filho. Twice finalist of the Prêmio Luso-Brasileiro de Dramaturgia, with Reality Final (2009) and Tem alguém que nos odeia (2011). Founder of A Má Companhia Provoca, she wrote and directed Os adultos estão na sala, for which she was nominated for the Prêmio Shell in 2013. She wrote and directed Os médios. With As Olívias, she wrote and directed Riso nervoso. She adapted the novel Uísque e Vergonha for the theater, and was nominated for the Prêmio Bibi Ferreira for Best Author in 2019. She is currently performing with Bárbara and Marisa Orth in a play directed by Bruno Guida. She wrote the series for TV Brasil Entre o Céu e a Terra and signs together with Juliana Rosenthal the series Não foi minha culpa at Star +. In the cinema she is the screenwriter of Amor sem Medidas, with Leandro Hassoum and Juliana Paes, directed by Alê Machado and on display at NETFLIX. She wrote together with Sabrina Greve O porão da rua do Grito, a horror film that premiered at the Mostra Internacional de Cinema de São Paulo in 2022.

Letícia Rodrigues is an actress, dancer, performer, director, playwright and screenwriter from São Paulo. Post-graduated in Dramaturgy and Screenplay by the Escola Superior de Artes Célia Helena. He had passages by the Núcleo Experimental de Artes Cênicas of SESI – SP in 2017; by CPT de Dramaturgia with coordination of Silvia Gomez and Angela Ribeiro; and by the Núcleo de Dramaturgia Feminista coordinated by Maria Giulia Pinheiro. Her last works in Theater were: 4 da Espécie – A História do Corpo Coisa Nenhuma by Michelle Ferreira and Terror e Miséria no Terceiro Milênio by Núcleo Bartolomeu de Depoimentos. In audiovisual she can be seen in Manhãs de Setembro (Prime Video) and Autoposto Amigos do Nelson (ParamountPlus).

Jaoa de Mello is a non-binary and HIV-positive artist who works in the field of acting, directing and scenic dramaturgy. During the pandemic, she directed several processes with refugees living in the city of São Paulo, among them Histórias de Refúgio e Medo Como Fronteira. She is one of the members of the Coletiva Rainha Kong, where she directs the play Feitiço de Soma with the same collective. She is currently writing the libretto for the opera Entre-Veias for the Atelier de Composição Lírica of Theatro São Pedro.

Isabela Rossi is an actress, author and teacher. She graduated from the Escola de Arte Dramática at USP, in Philosophy at Unicamp and studied Libretto at the Ateliê de Composição Lírica Teatro São Pedro/EMESP. She develops free research on the dramaturgy of the character from the relationship between Montage, Music, Word and Body at Companhia Balé de Pancadaria and currently collaborates with groups and artists residing in Brazil, Italy and Germany.

Luan Valero is a playwright, actor and theater director. He writes for artists and groups since 2008 and among his recent works are Céu branco, colônia matadouro (Coletivo Semeia Vento – Londrina/PR), O vesseiro de Mavi (Amarilis Irani, São Paulo/SP) and Ohlif (Yuri Komatsu, Londrina/PR).

Leo de Sá Fernandes is a journalist and playwright, he is graduated from ECA-USP and SP Escola de Teatro. In theater, he is the author of O Estado contra George em Alcolu and As colônias (Editora Efêmera), as well as O devir animal (Prêmio Jovem Dramaturgo from SESC-RJ School). He is also the author of the books Murro em ponta de faca (poetry Editora Primata), Panaceia parafernália (short stories, Editora Patuá) and Noites em apuros (poetry, Editora Minimalismos).

Gaba Cerqueda is an interdisciplinary artist and researcher from Rio de Janeiro. She is currently studying for a degree in Theater (UNIRIO) and is a graduate of the Núcleo de Formação Intensiva em Dança Contemporânea (Centro de Artes da Maré). Thinking about cross-staging, her processes usually inhabit the intersection between visual arts, writing, dance and performance. He was part of the  Círculo de Dramaturgias do CPT  (2021) and the Núcleo de Experimentações Artísticas em Literatura (SESC, 2022). He published the visual dramaturgy Cidadã 236 (O Barong) and the sound dramaturgy Cansada de Guerra (Cia Senhas). He works in a street carnival and thinks about creating the Metodologia do Desmonte from the research of scenic disassembly as a practice of cruzo.

James Hermínio Porto da Silva holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Law from PUC-SP. Apprentice of dramaturgy at SP Escola de Teatro (2012-2013), has two free courses at the same institution: History of Western Theater and History of Western Comedy, with Hugo Coelho. In 2012 he was one of the selected in the Dramaturgias Urgentes contest of CCBB, for the play Os Inesteriotipáveis.

Ciano is an artist, apprentice and self-directed educator who defines himself as a griô do futuro. A gay, black, candomblecist and peripheral boy who uses music, literature and illustration to tell the world stories of his people. Since 2017 he has been working as an educator/facilitator in agile and self-directed education methodologies, from which he created the Fluxxo univerCity, a laboratory of peripheral projects. In 2016 he won the Jovens Dramaturgos contest, with the dramaturgy Vielas do Minotauro, in 2020 he launched the comic Inimigo Invisível by Sesc Interlagos, with which he received the HQ Mix trophy, and in 2021 he launched the book As Casas de Unzó with funding from the Programa VAI. In 2022 he was one of the winners of the TUSP’s call for dramaturgies in process and one of the 5 finalists for the Jabuti award.

Fernanda Gama has a degree in Performing Arts from ECA-USP and a script from Roteiraria. Author of Fados, participant of the Festival Mulheres da Cena 2021; Matrioska, published by Mocho Edições through PROAC Dramaturgia 2019; Space Invaders, by PROAC Dramaturgia 2016, winner of the Prêmio São Paulo de Teatro Infantil e Jovem 2017; and the children’s A Menina Lia and Poetinha Camará, both produced with Cia do Fubá. As a screenwriter, he wrote the short film Janela da Esperança, winner of the Prêmio Cardume Cabíria 2021; and the series projects Doze Pepinos and Quero ser Bia. She has been part of the Núcleo de Dramaturgia Feminista since 2021, participating in the collection Epistolária, published in 2022 by Editora Urutau.

Bruno Garbuio is an actor, clown, workshop leader, producer and playwright. Graduated in Philosophy at the Universidade Federal de São Carlos, as a stage artist he has worked in different groups in São Carlos since 2008, highlighting Grupo Preto no Branco (2008-2016), Retalho Coletivo (2016-…), Trupe Tópatu (2018-…) and Cia Espelunca (2021).

Translated by: Lara Yoshime Shizuko Fukushima

TUSP launches the 25th edition of the “Programa Leituras Públicas”