The USP Symphony Orchestra holds a series of three concerts in August and reinforces solidarity action with food and clothing donations
By Elcio Silva
8/1/2023 – 18:05 pm
The Orquestra Sinfônica da USP (Osusp) opens its concert schedule this August 2023 with three new free concerts. The next presentation, by the cycle Esculpir o Tempo – Convidados Osusp, takes place this Saturday (5), at 4 pm, at the Camargo Guarnieri Amphitheater with the guests of conductor Knut Andreas (Germany) and the soloist on the violin Francesco D’Orazio (Italy).
The program features Maurice Ravel with Tzigane – Rhapsody Concert, Terry Riley with Zephir (Brazilian premiere) and Ludwig van Beethoven with Symphony No. 4 in B flat major, Op. 60.
Free tickets can be purchased in advance online on the appticket platform. Osusp suggests to the public the donation of non-perishable food and warm clothes that will be donated to communities in Butantã.
On June 24, Osusp held a special concert that brought dinosaurs and technology together. Check out TV Globo’s report for the SP2 news:
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Next Saturday (12), at 4 pm, the guest is the conductor Luís Otávio Santos, also for the cycle Esculpir o Tempo. Graduated in baroque violin from the Koninlkijk Conservatorium in The Hague (Netherlands), he has developed, since 1992, an intense career in Europe as leader and soloist of eminent groups of ancient music. In Brazil he has been invited to conduct several orchestras such as Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba, Porto Alegre Symphony Orchestra, Brasília National Theater Symphony Orchestra and Goiás Philharmonic, as well as Osusp.
The audience will be able to see the interpretation of the works Concerto Grosso in A minor, Op.6, nº.4, by Georg Friedrich Handel and Stabat Mater, by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi.
Osusp ends the month’s performances on the last Saturday of August (26), at 4 pm, conducted by Tobias Volkmann, for the Ciclo Concertos da Torre do Relógio.
Na programação, Cello Canon, de Libby Croad, Toronubá, de Dimitri Cervo, Sinfonia nº6, Op.68, também conhecida como Sinfonia Pastoral, de Ludwig van Beethoven, Les Moutons de Panurge, de Frederic Rzewski, e Oferenda Musical: Ricercare a 6, de Johann Sebastian BACH, com orquestração de Anton Webern.
On the program, Cello Canon, by Libby Croad, Toronubá, by Dimitri Cervo, Symphony No. 6, Op.68, also known as Pastoral Symphony, by Ludwig van Beethoven, Les Moutons de Panurge, by Frederic Rzewski, and Musical Offering: Ricercare a 6, by Johann Sebastian BACH, with orchestration by Anton Webern.
Music and information
The Ciclo de Concertos da Torre do Relógio combines lectures by renowned experts with high-quality musical performances, uniting knowledge and art in debates that follow varied formats. With the theme “Imagem refletida, o tempo no espelho” the guests are professors Paulo Artaxo, from the Instituto de Física (IF), and Flávio Ulhoa Coelho, from the Instituto de Matemática e Estatística (IME), both from USP.
Artaxo works with physics applied to environmental problems, acting mainly on the issues of global climate change, environment in the Amazon, physics of atmospheric aerosols and urban air pollution. Coelho is a researcher in the area of algebra and author of mathematics textbooks and also of children’s and adult literature. The mediation will be made by Professor Marli Quadros Leite, pro-rector of culture and university extension at USP.
Osusp – Apresentações Agosto
When |August 5 , 4pm
Esculpir o Tempo
Knut Andreas (Alemanha), regency
Francesco D´Orazio (Itália), violin solo
Tickets |
When | August 12 , 4pm
Esculpir o Tempo
Luís Otávio Santos, regency
Tickets |
When | August 26, 4pm
Concertos da Torre do Relógio
Tobias Volkmann, regency
Chatting with:
Paulo Artaxo (IF)
Flávio Ulhoa Coelho (IME)
Mediation: Marli Quadros Leite
Tickets |
Where | Anfiteatro Camargo Guarnieri
Rua do Anfiteatro, 109 – Butantã, São Paulo
How much | free
Part of the tickets will be distributed on the day of the events. Osusp suggests the public to donate non-perishable food and warm clothes that will be donated to communities in Butantã.
Information (11) 3091- 3000 | |

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Translated by: Lara Yoshime Shizuko Fukushima