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USP Cultura em Casa

USP Cultura em Casa

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 03/26/2020

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Footer Cultura em Casa

Última atualização: 19/10/2020 – 19:00

There is nothing like the experience of going to a movie theater, a play, or a live orchestra, attending a lecture face-to-face with experts who interact with us, feeling a unique book, or getting to know great spaces with pieces of our history.

Nevertheless, we are aware that this moment is fleeting and that soon we will have overcome all of this. We would like to invite everyone, in the meantime, not to stop interacting and having very close contact with the culture, even from home.

This page brings together a series of contents produced by USP’s cultural centers, by USP Comunidade programs, museums, and institutes and units. Videos, texts, links, and many other productions, including unpublished ones, will be continuously updated, adding more material as they are produced.

We hope everyone can use the time of retreat to be in touch with culture, widen repertoires, broaden horizons, and find serenity!

To browse, select the categories in the banners below:

Header Cultura em Casa - Artes

Header Cultura em Casa - Patrimonio Cultural

Header Cultura em Casa - Ciencias

Header Cultura em Casa - Comunidade

New content is being prepared by the teams from various organs at the moment. Stay tuned for updates!

USP Cultura em Casa
  • Rating: Livre