Mulheres na Engenharia

Congresso Site Publicado

Congressista: Vera Lúcia Arantes
Unidade USP: Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos


Título: Mulheres na Engenharia

Coordenador: Vera Lúcia Arantes | Vice-coordenador: Mainã Portela Garcia

Área Temática: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas

Participantes: Prislaine Santos, Vera Lúcia Arantes, Marcela Bernardo Papini, Mainã Portela Garcia,        

Resumo:  Women’s research Engineers Network (WREN) was launched in 2021 and started as a collaboration between researchers at the University of Wollongong (UOW) – Australia, professors from University of São Paulo (USP) and USP Women’s office – Brazil. WREN was supported by the Commonwealth through the Council on Australia Latin America Relations (COALAR) and was established to support women in engineering through their academic careers by fostering international collaborations, which are closely linked to successful grants and promotions. By generating more opportunities for women to find these collaborations, the network mission is to narrow the still present gender gap felt by women in later career stages.

This report presents the WREN activities held from April to September 2021 and the valuable information collected from each event. It will be presented to the Associate Dean for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion of UOW and to the Provosts of Graduate Studies, and Research at USP.

Palavras-chaves:  Igualdade de gênero, mulheres, intercâmbio

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